Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Sunsavers! Found Some ;-)

Okay so I did some digging (investigative journalism shei...)

There are actually some people on t'internet that are actually talking quite a bit about using SPF infused moisturers (phew! I'm not the lone voice here)

The problem is that they are not cheap or rather, cheap enough, but at least thats a start :-)

Even one of our favourite blogs - beauty in Lagos has at least a piece on it

I dont think she'll mind me sharing it - there was a giveaway associated with the write-up but thats closed now

Click here for the piece

SmartShield can be purchased from the following places:,, Prince Ebeano Supermarket, Mophet Pharmacy and Medplus with many other locations still in the pipeline
Price: N2500 - N2800 depending on the store

I dont however agree with her explanation of SPF factors - I'll deal with it another time

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