Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Let’s do hair!

4-Must-Haves for Your Washing Regimen for Natural Hair

It doesn’t matter what type of cleanser you choose. Some naturals like moisturizing shampoos while others prefer no-sulfate shampoos. Whatever your preference, you need to have some sort of product or cleanser as part of your regimen to get rid of sweat, dead skin, and product buildup on your scalp.

Deep Conditioner
After you cleanse, you have to put that moisture back into your hair somehow! There are a number of great homemade deep conditioner options as well as deep conditioner products found in markets, so you can choose the best method that fits your needs and budget.

Leave-In Conditioner
There are many girls (bbgirls!?) who leave this step out after washing their hair. They figure, “If I’ve already deep conditioned, then why should I use a leave-in?” If your hair is anything like most naturals, you should already know the answer. Moisture! Moisture is one of the most important things for the health of natural hair, so it’s important to get as much of it as your hair needs. Whether you choose a creamy leave-in or a water based option, these products can add an extra boost of protection to your hair after you’ve washed out your deep conditioner.

Many naturals know that sealants are important, but you may not understand why. After adding all this moisture boosting conditioner, it’s important to “seal” the moisture into your hair so that it can stay that way for a longer time.
So what sealant should you use? Whatever your hair likes! If your hair loves thick products, go with natural Shea Butter or try coconut or olive oil.
Now that you’ve chosen your sealant, you need to apply it. Since your ends are the driest, most breakage-prone part of our hair, you should focus on that area the most when applying sealant for added moisture protection and enhanced length retention.

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